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  Welcome to Cedar Valley Christian Center

“We Are Creating An Authentic Personal Victory That Far Exceeds all Expectations”

Cedar Valley Christian Center, a church dedicated to winning souls for the kingdom of God. Foundation Scripture: "Where there is no vision the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he.” (Proverbs 29:18). We are creating an authentic personal victory that far exceeds all expectation.

Over the years CVCC has made a stand in the mist of the storm but we know “With God all things are possible.” We invite you to join us in serving the Lord!

Welcome The Installation of Pastor Glenn Young Jr

”“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son

CVCC is a place where you can learn exactly what the Word of God says about us & our family.
We are committed to praying & encouraging you & your family. When one hurts we all hurt & when one wins we all win.
Service times Sun. 10 am, Wed. 7:00.
We can’t wait to see you!.

Kids University Learning Center


Contact Us

Cedar Valley Christian Center
Attention: Pastor Glenn Young, Pastoral Staff or the Ministry you wish to contact.
Address: 643 West Wintergreen Road
              Lancaster, Texas 75146

Phone:   972 218 0808
Fax:       972 227 4255
E-mail:   Email Us

Office Hours:

8:00am - 5:00pm  Monday - Friday.
Saturday by appointment only.
Sunday 10:00am to 6:00pm.


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churches in lancastor tx

     Service Times

Sunday Service...................10:00 am
Children's Church................10:00 am
Children's Sunday School....8:30  am
Youth Sunday School...........8:30  am
Wednesday Night Service....7:00  pm